
2015년 1월 18일 일요일

PE 1/16 Women Knows Best

I’m no dummy. Besides, I have a lot of job interviews coming up and I want to look sharp. Where shall we start?
* be no dummy: to be clever, especially for one’s own benefit
ex> Jake’s no dummy. He bought a huge fruit basket for his boss’ family.
* look sharp: to dress well, especially to impress others
ex> Olivia bought a new suit so she could look sharp at the convention.

Well, why don’t you show me the centerpieces of your wardrobe, like your favorite suits and ties, and we’ll see what needs to be added.
* wardrobe: 옷장,
* centerpiece: 제일 중요한 항목

A brilliant plan, lovey. Okay: this blue suit is my go-to for interviews, weddings, coronations, you name it.
* go-to: one’s habitual first choice
ex> The sushi place on the corner is my go-to for quick weekday lunches.
* you name it: anything of that type
ex> This veggie stew has everything in it: carrots, corn, broccoli… you name it.

Red and blue? You’re kidding me, right? Try burgundy and moss. This tie looks like a dog’s breakfast with that suit. No wonder you haven’t found a job yet.
* dog’s breakfast: an unattractive, disorganized combination
ex> The random collection of architectural styles made our campus a real dog’s breakfast.
Note> This expression is less common in the U.S., where the equivalent terms are fun to say: “mishmash” and “hodgepodge.”

They were probably at a loss for words. Christian, have you ever been tested for color blindness? How would you describe the color of my eyes, for example?

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