
2015년 1월 10일 토요일

PE 1/10 Review

1. kiss something goodbye: to discard or disregard something
ex> I'll be happy to kiss these text books goodbye and start making money.
ex> Unless he starts wearing deodorant, he'll have to kiss his friends goodbye.

2. deep down: within one's inner thoughts or beliefs
ex> Sandy realized deep down that her sculpture idea wasn't feasible.
ex> Deep down, the boys knew that they had the best chance of winning.

That's true. Deep down, I know she's very qualified to be leading the group. I just don't like being told what to do.

3. never in one's wildest dreams: unforeseen or unexpected; believed to be impossible
ex> Never in my wildest dreams did I expected to be nominated for an Oscar.
ex> Never in my wildest dreams did I think my little brother would be getting married.

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd come this close to winning!
Congratulations, hon! Let's hope your lucky streak continues!

4. hold off: to delay doing something
ex> The trainer decided to hold off increasing my weights until next week.
ex> Her parents will hold off on their vacation plans until they have more money.

If we're going to bake cookies this afternoon, should I take the butter out of the fridge?
That's good thought, but let's hold off for another hour, please.

5. set in stone: irreversibly decided
ex> Nothing is set in stone, but we are considering moving to another city next year.
ex> Bonnie wondered her husband's weekend plans were set in stone.

Wednesday's going to be very busy. Is that appointment set in stone, or could we postpone it?

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