
2015년 1월 12일 월요일

PE 1/12 Adopting a Dog

Oooo… number 53 is as cute as a button! Talyor, come here and look at these adorable puppies! There are oodles here to choose from.
* oodles: 많음
* cute as a button: very cute; very appealing
ex> Where did you get those little black pumps? They’re as cute as a button.
Note> The word “cute” originally meant “smart” or “clever,” so the British expression “bright as a button” used to mean the same thing.

Sally, this website is appalling! They’re treating these animals like they were some sort of product. They’re living creatures, not commodities.
* appalling: 끔찍한, 형편없는
* commodity: 상품

Well, how else can people see so many at once, and decide what kind of dog they want?
* at once: at the same time
ex> Look! Marissa can juggle five grapefruits at once!

That’s definitely food for thought. Okay, you've convinced me. Let’s head down there right now and see if there are any pooches we hit it off with.
* food for thought: something worth thinking about
= something to consider; something to mull over; something to think about
ex> I haven’t agreed to her business proposal, but it was definitely food for thought.
* hit it off: to become friends quickly
ex> Cheryl and Clay have really hit it off. They are inseparable these days!

Sounds great! I bet we’ll find the perfect one in a heartbeat. Turn the computer off and I’ll go get the car.
* in a heartbeat: without hesitation
ex> I would grab the opportunity to travel to New Zealand in a heartbeat.

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