
2014년 12월 16일 화요일

PE 12/9 Jen Lee Speech – Part 2

But I will say that, during those years, while I could admire Jason’s comfortable acceptance of himself, his motivating spirit, I was not quite ready to let go of doubt for myself.
* let go of: to stop focusing on something in your life
ex> It’s time you let go of the pain you experienced in the past and start living your life again.

And over the course of a decade I settled back into life, but I also unknowingly slipped back on those lenses of doubt.
* slip back on: to put something back onto one’s body or personality
ex> My daughter slipped back on her “angry teenager” persona when our guests arrived.

Because I wanted to go so badly; but feared I wasn't good enough.
* want something so badly: to desire something so greatly
ex> Jake wanted to go out with Mary so badly it kept him awake at night.

The only reason I sent in that application was because of Jason. He was reminder that if there was a chance to live the life I wanted, I owed it to him to go for it. And I got in.
* owe it to someone: to be obligated to do something for someone
ex> You owe it to yourself to take a day off from time to time.
ex> Don’t’ tell me I owe it all to you. I worked hard to get to where I am.

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