
2014년 12월 24일 수요일

PE 12/22 Last Minute Shopping – Help!

Truth be told, time just got away from me in the last month. I've been as busy as a bee between night school and work. Please say you’ll help me!
* truth be told: a way of admitting that one either lied or was wrong
ex> Truth be told, I wasn't sure if we were going in the right direction until I saw the sign for Montreal.
* be as busy as bee: to be highly active
ex> My mother was always as busy as a bee raising four kids on her own.

Fine! But you’re buying me dinner at the Steak Shack for putting me through this!
* put someone through: to cause someone to experience something unpleasant
ex> We thought you were dead! You have a lot of nerve putting us through so much grief!

Jeol, there are 32 names here! This is a monumental task for one afternoon. Have you ever heard of online shopping?
* a monumental task: a difficult project or undertaking
ex> Getting the new labor laws passed was a monumental task.

I don’t trust the Internet, Lilly. Come on, it’ll be fun. We can bang it out in three or four hours.
* bang out: to complete something very quickly
= crank it out; whip it up; turn it out
ex> I don’t want to be here all night, so let’s try to bang this final part of the project out.

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