
2014년 12월 30일 화요일

PE 12/29 I Took down My Decorations Already

Maybe not, but I believe in starting the year with a clean slate, so that means a clean apartment, top to bottom.
* a clean slate: to have no prior recorded history of doing something
ex> After seven years the credit agencies remove your past mistakes and let you start over with a clean slate.
Note> Writing tables used in schools, shops and offices were made from slate, so “a clean slate” was one with no leftover writing on it.

That’s interesting, Leila. So what would you suggest to help me start off 2015 with a bang?
* with a bang: with excitement and enthusiasm
ex> The celebration started off with a bang when balloons fell from the ceiling and the band began to play.

Okay. You know I’m a big believer in feng shui, right? Well, no offense, but your apartment is very cluttered. So I would suggest you throw out or get rid of about half of the stuff you own.
* no offense: to say something that could be interpreted as an insult, but to clarify that that was not your intention.
ex> No offense, but your music is very loud and is making my baby cry.

I really do! And at the very least, you won’t have as much junk to trip over and hurt yourself on.
* trip over something: to stumble or fall because of an obstacle
ex> Millie tripped over her son’s bicycle and fell down the stairs.

I suppose starting the New Year with a broken ankle would be pretty non-feng shui, huh? I’ll start clearing out the junk today.
* clear out: to remove things from a place
= cleaning out; getting rid of; disposing of
ex> Would you please clear out all of your dirty dishes so I can cook dinner?

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