
2014년 12월 30일 화요일

PE 12/30 Jen Lee Speech – Part 5

You will still fail a lot. In fact, people to your face will say, “that is not good enough.” But just don’t make it about yourself. If you can learn to not take it personally, you will be able to listen to the constructive criticism and find it inspiring.
* take something personally: to be overly sensitive to comments or criticisms directed toward one
= offended by; insulted by; hurt by
ex> As a singer, Celine never took anything the critics said personally.
* constructive criticism: polite suggestions meant to help improve something
ex> Professor Williams gave me constructive criticism on my writing work so I could make it better.

And it might motivate you and show you that you are capable of far more than you ever imagined. I will say if we made the first draft of Frozen, if I’d been too insecure and defensive to listen to the criticism and notes, if I wasted my time trying to prove I was good enough instead of using that time to make Frozen what it needed to be it would have been a far different movie and I guarantee you, I wouldn’t be standing here.
* first draft: the initial written version of a project
ex> The English teacher expected our first draft to be turned in for evaluation on Monday.
ex> Although it was only the first draft, the publisher agreed to buy Stephen’s book.

And get this: they say that the number one thing driving bullies is insecurity, so we ban self-doubt and we kill two birds with one stone right here.
* get this: listen to the next thing I say because it is exciting or important
ex> Get this – the price of Dubli stock has tripled in two weeks!
* kill two birds with one stone: to accomplish two things at one time
ex> We killed two birds with one stone by buying gas and getting our car washed at the same place.

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