
2015년 4월 23일 목요일

4/24 Star Audition Program

Talk about a star audition program you've watched recently.

I remember watching the final episode of KOREA STAR season 4. There were two finalists who were neck-and-neck. No one knew who would win until the last moment. They were both very talented singers. I sent a text message to support one of the contestants myself. In the end though, the other contestant won the entire contest. I wasn't disappointed because she was a great singer as well. So, that was the last episode I remember watching. I think the final episode of all talent competition programs is the most memorable.

@ Speaking Tips>> neck-and-neck  막상막하인
ex> The game was neck-and-neck
ex> They finished the race neck-and-neck

@ The contestants are so talented참가자들의 재능이 대단해.

@ Related Topics>> Audition TV Program (2011.6.1)

@ Homework>>
1. 마지막 회는 휴대전화로 봤어. (the final episode)
2. 그는 모든 것을 마지막까지 미룬다. (until the last momnet)
3. 나는 문자 메시지를 보내고 답장을 받았다. (send a text message)

4. 나는 그가 최종 우승하리라곤 예상치 못했다. (win the entire contest)

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